Brightline Station in Martin County

Brightline Station in Martin County

The Martin County Taxpayers Association wants to formally endorse Stuart’s and Martin County’s bid for a Brightline Station. We have analyzed the economic benefit to the taxpayers and have concluded that a station will pay for itself. That is especially true given the...
A Bad Precedent

A Bad Precedent

Under Chair Ed Ciampi, the BOCC set a very bad precedent at the August 8, 2023, meeting. About 150 residents of Palm City, organized with some assistance by Ciampi, were there to protest a “by right” development which they found unacceptable. Many reasons were...


TAXES vs SERVICES: A COST-BENEFIT EXAMINATION OF LAND USE Introduction   Martin County generates a lot of heated discussion and polarization over the issue of growth. The Urban Services Boundary which calls for agriculture beyond the Urban Services Boundary calls...
Marty Transportation Growth?

Marty Transportation Growth?

Marty…expansion? We at the MCTA will leave it to you to decide if this idea is government at its worst or not. In 2013 the County contracted with a transportation provider to start the Marty bus system.   Ten years later, on March 29, 2023 the Metropolitan Planning...


The Town of Sewall’s Point is moving toward the installation of a sewer system. And although the Town Council has vowed that hook up will not be mandatory and that there will be no assessments, it appears that the latest move puts the camel’s nose under the tent. At...