Park and Rec Advisory Board meeting February 15, 2018
Pegeen Hanrahan, Southeast Urban Parks Finance Director, The Trust for Public Land spoke to the board regarding possible funding options for Park & Rec’s Master Plan and Capital Improvement Plan. The Trust for Public Land is a 501C3 non-profit agency that assists cities and counties nation wide in obtaining funding revenue. She has worked with Martin County in the past and had success in 1996 in passing a funding measure. She noted there are many sources for funding, but the most successful is a general obligation bond issue. Her staff, and local volunteers, do feasibility studies, conduct public opinion polls, provide program recommendations, work with ballot language and help run campaigns before elections. Their funding comes from private grants and donations, however they will charge the county about $15,000.00 to do the necessary research.Mark Lynch, Deputy Director of Parks & Rec, recommended the advisory board go before the BOCC on March 27th to promote the idea of the bond issue with a short presentation highlighting projects the board has identified as priorities. Discussion ensued and it was determined that the new chairman, Mike Bocchino would make the presentation. A subcommittee will work on the details and priorities.Project Updates:A disc golf course is being installed at Halpatioke Park.The boat ramp at Phipps Park, which is state owned, is not going to be fixed by the state. Alternate funding sources have been identified and work should be competed by April. The park does turn a profit of $20,000 – $30,000 annually. Most of the people using the campground are from other states and they usually stay for 3 months.Next meeting is March 15, 2018
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